Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Over the last couple of weeks it became harder and harder to avoid seeing news about the Royal Wedding. There are some who have complained about this. These are the cynics among us. I mean it's not as if a Royal Wedding happens every day, every year or even every decade for that matter. It is a big deal. So I think the media can be forgiven for covering the story as they did. Quite simply, if you don't like it, don't read, watch or listen.

As for the romantics among us, and I believe that I probably fall into that category, watching the Royal Wedding was great. You don't even have to be a die hard monarchist to to appreciate the wedding. I am certainly not one. But it was just nice watching two young people who are clearly in love (and are part of an extraordinary family) start their lives together.

My parents are English. In 1981, I was eleven years old. We had driven from Toronto to visit friends in Montreal who were also English. I remember being woken up early in the morning and being forced (for an eleven year old it felt like forced) to watch Charles and Diana get married. Of course I didn't know too much about what was going on but I did remember it.

So it only felt fitting that I should wake myself up early this Friday morning and watch the wedding of Diana and Charles' son Prince William. And I was happy that I did. Here's what I thought.

First, the organization of the day was amazing. With most regular weddings there seems to be a lot of confusion and people are often running late. Not so with the Royal Wedding. It was amazing to see each vehicle carrying the Royal guests and participants show up precisely on time.

Watching William and Harry arrive at Westminster Abby, they really looked like Princes. You could definitely see William being King one day. He had a Kingly air.

I found it amusing that most of the media coverage was talking about Kate's dress and what it would look like. While the dress may be important, I suspect that for William it was more important to see her. The dress was great and Kate looked stunning. She is a beautiful woman and would have looked amazing in any dress. By the way, her sister, Pippa, also looked fantastic.

I loved how Harry took a look back to see Kate coming up the aisle while William remained looking forward. Harry smiled and then apparently said to William, "Wait 'till you see her."

William and Kate were perfect in their vows. You could see that they were made for each other in the little looks they gave each other.

The only complaint I had, and this is just me and probably didn't bother anyone else, but the ceremony was short and sweet through the vows and William and Kate being married. Then came all the hymns and prayers from multiple people. This part of the ceremony was much longer than the actual marriage part. It felt like the church being preachy and self important. I do understand that when William is King that he will also be the head of the Church of England. I wonder what will happen when a future monarch no longer believes in God.

Then the wedding was over and the trip to Buckingham Palace began. It was really cool seeing the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge riding in their open carriage surrounded by the palace guard. The reaction of the crowds was amazing.

By the way, did anyone else notice the runaway horse behind their carriage at one point. At first I thought I imagined it, but watching it again later it clearly was there. Apparently it had become spooked by the crowd and thrown its rider.

Then the couple came out onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace and had their kiss. Two of them. They look so comfortable together. I think that they will be good for the monarchy. They are very much a modern and "normal" couple.

Then William and Kate drove out of the palace in a vintage Aston Martin. The question I have is why did it have a learner's plate on it?

So there is a new Royal couple. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. William and Catherine.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Doctor Who - The Impossible Astronaut

It was an exciting night. The Doctor returned in the first episode of series six, "The Impossible Astronaut".

But before that, this week Doctor Who fans were sad to learn the news that Elisabeth Sladen, Sarah Jane Smith, died. She was 63 years old and had apparently been battling cancer. I'm sure many of us had no idea. It seems that many that knew here also had no idea. Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor, wrote that he "... had no idea she was ill; she was so private, never wanted any fuss, and now, gone." For more of his tribute go to Tom Baker official website. They gave a nice "In Memory Of" credit at the beginning of the episode for Elisabeth. So sad.

The new episode was a two parter, so it is hard to have a final judgement on whether it was good or not until we know how it ultimately ends, but it started out like gangbusters.
Warning, there will be spoilers from this point on.
It starts with the Doctor having ridiculous fun with history, like he was trying to get the attention of Amy and Rory, who have apparently been home for a while. They receive some sort of invitation in a Tardis blue envelope that tells them the time and place to meet. River Song also gets an invitation. The time and place they are to meet is now somewhere in the desert in America. When they all get there they find the Doctor waiting for them. After a picnic at which we find out that the Doctor is some 200 years older than when we last met him, a strange astronaut appears out of a lake and kills the Doctor. Really kills him. Dead!
Amy sees a strange alien creature, then forgets about it. We meet an old Canton Delaware who also received an invitation. His was numbered 4, Amy and Rory's was 3 and River's was 2. So who had number 1? they find out in a diner when the Doctor walks out of the restroom. He had received invitation number 1.

So we have a very complicated twisting plot with possible paradoxes and all sorts of good things. Fortunately Steven Moffat is good at these sort of things, but I am still a little nervous that all the strings will come together in the end. I really hope there are no holes. I really don't like holes in a plot.

There are a lot of good things to say about the episode. The new aliens, although they have seemingly been here a long time, are really cool. Very scary. The kind of thing that you really would have in your nightmares. And it is doubly creepy that as soon as a character looks away they forget them. This makes you really feel the peril they are in. Even though the aliens are coming to get them and they have seen them coming they turn around and are suddenly oblivious to the danger. These aliens are apparently the Silence. I will assume that is the Silence that we have been hearing about all last series.

The arrival in the oval office was well done. I really like Canton Delaware. He is played by Mark Sheppard who also played a really cool character, Romo Lampkin, in Battlestar Galactica.

River, is River. I think you either like her or hate (well, maybe not hate, but tolerate) her. I tolerate her. Obviously Steven Moffat really loves her. I liked her the first time we saw her, but like her less every time that she comes back. I worry that Steven Moffat could write himself into a corner with her and that there could be gaping holes in the series continuity because of her. That being said, I did like her talk about fearing that one day she would meet the Doctor and he wouldn't know her at all and that that would kill her. We know that is exactly what happened.

I am really liking Amy Pond. She was great in this episode. You can feel her struggling with this one. She is confused, conflicted and sad but at the same time incredibly loyal to the Doctor. She is even willing to kill to save him. If I had to put my trust in someone like the Doctor had to, it would be Amy Pond.

And it is good to see Rory as a full companion and he is needed to give us some of the lighter moments.

It will be very interesting to see how it all works out. What is the control room in the tunnels? It looks identical to the control room of the Tardis like machine in "The Lodger" We will have to wait until next week to find out.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Survivor - Cruel Genius

One thing to say... Boston Rob is a cruel genius. More on that later.

This week marked the final battle at Redemption Island before the winner would rejoin the game as Ometepe and Zapatera merged. The Redemption Island challenge between Matt and Sarita involved standing between two walls with your feet perched on ever narrower blocks. Whoever stood the longest would win. Now this looked like it could have been the worst timed challenge for Matt as he had just cut his foot in the previous episode, but despite his injury he was once again victorious. His victory was witnessed be every member of both tribes. Upon Sarita's departure came those famous words from Jeff Probst, "drop your buffs" (at least I think he did actually say it this time).

So the tribes are merged. They were sent off to a brand new beach on which they would begin their new life as a single tribe. I hope Phillip listened to Rob and brought all his stuff with him to the challenge. Once on the new beach they were treated to food. I'm sure for most of us sitting at home, comfortable on the couch, eating snacks, we sometimes laugh at how excited they get over food. But when you realize that they have been only eating a very small amount of rice each day and are actually starving, any food is a luxury. Ask anyone who has actually played Survivor and they will tell you that it is hard and that they are always hungry.

The next thing they had to do was come up with a new tribe name... Murlonio is their name. A name chosen by Rob. He claimed it was Spanish for something or other, but it in fact means nothing at all. It is the name of one of his wife, Amber's, stuffed toys. The ring leader of her stuffed toys to be exact. Hilarious!

So now Murlonio is off to its first individual immunity challenge. This challenge looked tough. One wrong move and you would be out. They had to balance on a log, then balance first one, then two, then three balls on a plate. The moment you dropped a ball or fell off the log you were out. I was in fact surprised how long most of them lasted. In the end it was down to Mike (former Zapatera) and Natalie (Ometepe). Mike looked rock solid. It was tense to watch because hopefully you like I, don't like the former Zapatera members and would like to see them lose. Natalie was barely hanging on when Mike fell off his log. Natalie, the winner of the first individual immunity. Cheers!

A twist. Redemption Island begins again. Whoever is voted out goes back to Redemption Island to rejoin the game later.

Now the strategy begins. Mike is not dumb. He sees that in order to survive he must make a big move. He hopes that he can get Matt to flip. Ometepe did after all, send him to Redemption Island. He also sees that Matt is tight with Andrea. If he can convince Matt and Andrea to join him and Steve they could be the final four. He makes his case to Matt. Matt sees the benefit. He approaches Andrea. She sees how it could work but also that it could be a dangerous move if it backfires. So we are left wondering will Matt do it or not.

Well, we are not left wondering too long because Matt, being a good and loyal guy decides he will stay with his old team. That could have been the end of it. But no. Matt had to go and tell Rob of Mike's offer to him. Why on Earth would you tell Rob that you were thinking off betraying your old tribe and that you thought it was a good idea, even if you had decided not to turn on them.
So Rob did the best, most cruel and brilliant thing ever. He decided that Matt should be sent back to Redemption Island. Ahhh... I love it!
Anyone that doesn't think this was the right move just needs to see how even after telling Rob that he would stay with Ometepe, Matt was still flip flopping in his own mind. Even Andrea could see that Matt was being wishy washy.

And so, we come to tribal council. A lot of cool things happened. It seemed that the old Zapatera people thought that Mike would be the target. Ralphy boy decided to play his hidden immunity idol to save Mike. The funny thing is that there were no votes for Mike. So that is one less hidden immunity idol to worry about.
Then the votes are read. Grant gets five votes. Steve gets one vote. Then Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt and the eighth person voted out of Survivor Redemption Island is... Matt.

Oh, how I love this game. I'm sure that Matt is a nice guy. And I know it is awful to laugh at someone else's misfortune. But that was was one of the best moves ever. It makes complete strategic sense, especially if you are Rob. Matt could easily flip. He almost did. He likely would in the future. So he had to go. I feel a little bad for him, but he has performed well at Redemption Island and maybe he can keep it up and be back in the game once more.

But until then, I will say it again... Boston Rob is a cruel genius!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Couple of Doctor Who Things

This Easter Doctor Who returns with a new season. I don't often do Easter. I can never find it. It's always at a different time. But I digress.

In March, BBC put out two cool bits of Doctor Who. One was the shorts, "Space" and "Time" for Red Nose Day and the other was a new trailer for the new season.

"Space" and "Time" were silly, but funny and entertaining never the less. The exterior of the Tardis has materialized inside the interior of the Tardis, but the interior is a few moments in the past when compared to the exterior. Complicated, but not important. In fact the plot is not at all what we care about. What we do care about is that suddenly we have two Amy Ponds, then two Rorys and finally two Doctors until it is all resolved and we are back to one of each. It is the character interaction that is priceless.
At this point I must say that I always thought Amy Pond was cute, but in this she is smouldering hot. I suspect that has a lot to do with the way she was flirting with herself. I have a feeling that like Rory, I would also deserve a slap. Amy has definitely grown on me. It is her character that has become attractive, not just physically, but it's her strength and loyalty (and flirtiness) that make her so. In fact I could say much the same for Rory (a really likable character) who you actually want to be there. He is much more than a third wheel. And Matt Smith has really taken the Doctor and made him his own.

The new trailer is spectacular. It looks like we will be taken on quite a ride and get to see the characters grow some more. It seems we will find out who River Song really is. It appears that somehow Rory and Amy are in the tenth Doctor's Tardis. And we have some great Doctor lines... A VOICE "Fear me. I've killed hundreds of timelords." The DOCTOR "Fear me. I've killed all of them."

I am really looking forward to this season. Can't wait till Easter.