Saturday, March 19, 2011

Night of the Supermoon

Saturday, March 19th 2011 - Night of the Supermoon

I was going to start by saying that the moon tonight was not all that special, but then I realized that every celestial event is special. It is truly amazing to look up in the night sky. People should do it more often. If events like the Supermoon can encourage people to pay attention to the sky more then that is a good thing.

The Supermoon is a full moon when it is at its perigee, that is when it is at its closest approach to the Earth. It appears slightly larger and slightly brighter than a normal full moon. Although, without anything to directly compare it to I don't think you would be able to tell with the naked eye. You would likely just think that the moon is really bright tonight.
But none of that matters. The moon is incredible. It is amazing to look at it and imagine what it would be like to be standing on the moon, what is that mountain ridge like, how flat is that plain or how deep is that crater.
And the really cool thing is, a small group of people have actually been there and done just that. Amazing.

Grab a pair of binoculars or even better a telescope and take a look at the moon close up. It is stunningly beautiful.

I hope everyone will look up every time they go outside at night and enjoy the wonders of our universe.

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