Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Survivor - How the @#$& can you quit?

I have to say that this is one of the weirdest seasons of Survivor ever. They always say that anything can happen in Survivor and this season anything and everything has. Just when I thought we were starting to see good game play this happens...

Naonka and Kelly Purple QUIT!

WTF. How can you quit Survivor. I understand going out with an injury or playing so bad that you get voted out, or being on the wrong side of an alliance or being blindsided, but quiting?

While watching this travesty, I tried to put myself in the positions of the people involved to see how I would react. First, Jeff's position. As a host and producer you really don't want to hear the words, "I quit". It messes things up for the production. They have challenges planned and a schedule of when tribal councils should happen, and a certain number of episodes to air. Having one person quit puts a wrench in the gears, but to have two quit at the same time is like dropping a whole toolbox into the gears. I would be a little annoyed.
I do like how Jeff handled the situation. I like that he had them stop and think about it for the day hoping that they would change their minds. Then at tribal he challenged them. When it became clear that they were both going to quit, he rightly shamed them. I love that their torches are to be left at tribal for them to see at each and every tribal council from now until the end.

I can understand the elements and the hunger getting to you. I do a lot of backcountry camping and when it is cold and wet, and the bugs are biting you might rather be somewhere warm and dry. And while I take food with me it is not the same as having a real meal. But that is all part of the appeal. Pushing yourself. The satisfaction of doing it despite the hardships. Plus they signed up for this. They knew what they were in for.

I did feel a little sad for Kelly Purple, just in that she was down and despite the efforts of Holly was not able to pull herself back up.

I could not put myself in Naonka's head. I can't even conceive of doing the things she has done. She seems to be a selfish, angry person. I find it hard to even feel sorry for her. Who knows, maybe she is nicer in person although I doubt it. How could you not give up your reward knowing that you were going home anyway. She would never have won the game.

Holly is impressive. I can understand her selflessness in giving up her reward so that the tribe could have rice and a tarp although I don't know that I would have done the same. I would like to think that I would have. You'll notice that neither Benry or Fabio rushed forward either. I don't think that Dan was given the choice as he didn't run the challenge. Clearly Naonka should have done the right thing. Holly has certainly earned a whole big pile of respect. Actually her act may not have been totally selfless. She will now be sleeping in a drier shelter, but still.

Now if I was the rest of the tribe, I would have mixed feelings. I don't think anyone wants to see someone quit. There is little satisfaction in beating a quitter, however they are all still in the game and are closer to a million dollars.

I feel really bad for Alina, Marty and Brenda. They all got voted out. They all would give anything to still be in the game. To see two people quit has got to be infuriating. They could have voted out Naonka and Kelly and still been in the game. Marty looked pissed. And it was heartbreaking watching Alina. It's funny, but I like Alina more and more now that she is out of the game than in it. I don't think we really got to know her while she was in the game. After watching her in Ponderosa she seems like a really nice person.
Speaking of Ponderosa, it will be fun to watch what happens when Naonka and Kelly arrive there. I can't imagine that they will be received very well.

It's also annoying to see people quit when I would love to be on Survivor myself. But I can't because I am Canadian. CBS, you need to change your rules.

After all is said and done, I am happy that Naonka is gone. I'm afraid I won't miss Kelly Purple. And I think we are going to see some good Survivor play from here until the end. Looking forward to next week.

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